The Tempest Ep. 065

Lazaro confesses to Damian his involvement in the trafficking organization, he tells Damian that Robles is not dead. Hernan swears to Ernesto there is nothing between him and Esthercita, just some chit chat and he would so never think of betraying him, Ernesto tries to apologize but Esthercita is not pleased. Rebeca and Jose chat at the hospital cafeteria, she tells him she is worried about Beatrice health, Jose comfort her she thank him for his affection and hugs him. Lazaro takes Damian to the Commandante hide out, he asks Damian to promise that will be very secretive about the whole things, Damian tells him about the troubling pirates at sea, the fire at Neptune so many crimes, the Commandante tells them Fulgencio and Hernan are the main suspect in the trafficking organization, Damian promise to help him he accepts on condition that Damian does not compromise the investigation in any way.

Jazmin was on her way home, Nereo interrupts her, and he wants her to go with him for one last drink before she gets married, she refuses and push her in car, forces her to drink almost half a bottle of tequila. Lazaro goes to the bar looking for her, Onito tells him he just walked her home, Damian found Jazmin drunk on the bench and takes her to his house and care for her. Fulgencio visits Lazaro in his house and gives him money, Rosario sees the money and gives it back to Fulgengio, Beatrice is finally discharged from the hospital, Rebeca, Jose, Hernan, Marina all present to take Beatrice home, Damian is also present, Marina runs into Damian hands and kiss him when she sees him entering the hospital, Hernan is furious. Ernesto and Esthercita are going to the hospital for her usual check-up when suddenly Esthercita is in pain.

Damian carries Beatrice to her bed, she tells him she would have like to be at Lazaro and Jazmin wedding but she needs rest, she will stay home with Rebecca, Lazaro and Jazmin are now husband and wife.  Beatrice tells Rebeca that she is worry about Marina future, she knows she has less time to live, Rebeca tells her to have hope, Beatrice tells her that Marina’s mother is Mercedes, Rebecca is shocked, she tells Beatrice she always knew Mercedes was hiding something about Marina, Beatrice tells her Mercedes told her the truth when she came to visit her in the hospital, she asks Beatrice if she will tell the truth to Marina, she says no, Marina’s life is in danger someone wants to harm her Rebecca wants to know who the man is.

Our newlyweds are outside the church and are cheered and congratulated by all, Fulgencio also congratulate him and push an envelope into his pocket, I guess it is money just at that moment the federal arrives and tell Fulgencio is under arrest.