The Tempest Ep. 023

Hernan tells marina that if she accepts him as a partner, she will count with all the money she may need to get the packaging company back on it feet. Damian tells esthercita to get her things ready for the trip they are going to make but that she should not raise her hopes because it is not a Honeymoon trip; that it is a farewell trip. Marina tells hernan that, before accepting him as her partner she will have to consult it with mrs artigas. Esthercita tells damian that she doesn’t want to lose him like that; so they should just concentrate on their trip and that a few days on together their own will be enough for him to realize that their marriage is worth it. Fulgencio, upset, tells esthercita not to humiliate herself.

Damian tells him he is just being honest with esthercita but, as he (fulgencio) doesn’t know what honesty means, he is confusing it with humiliation; and, that esthercita is his wife and he is not going to let him (fulgencio) speak to her like that. Marina tells her mother she would like to know the name of the person who rescued her so she can thank him or her. Beatriz tells her it was damian who risked his life for her and for hernan; that hernan also tried to save her but that it was damian who saved her life in the end. Police commander robles tells a police officer that he (robles) has broken the rule of not getting involved sentimentally with the victims; and, it so happens he is very much interested in lucia jimenez and that he doesn’t want that to spoil his investigation.

Onion tells damian that the fire in the packaging company was arson. Damian tells him that when he gets back from his trip, he is going to investigate who did it and he is going to find the culprit. Bagre asks damian if he is going to go on his honeymoon after all. Damian tells him he already warned esthercita that it was going to be only a farewell trip and that when they get back, they are going to get divorced. Esthercita tells mayuya she doesn’t want to lose damian. Mayuya suggests that she take advantage of the trip to get herself pregnant. Esthercita tells her that damian doesn’t love her and that he married her only to save her reputation. Mayuya tells her she already knew that but that now, damian is her husband and she will have all the time in the world to win his love. Esthercita tells her that damian wants to divorce her because he is in love with marina.

Mayuya tells esthercita not to let that woman steal damian away from her. Marina becomes upset when damian tells her that he is getting divorced from esthercita when they get back from their trip and that then, nothing nor anybody is going to be able to prevent them from fighting for their dreams together. Marina, upset, tells him to go away, that she doesn’t need him because hernan has already offered her to help her and that he is going to be her partner. Hernan tells fulgencio that he is going to be marina’s partner in the packaging company and that that way, nobody will be able to get in the way of their mutual plans. Damian, upset, asks marina if she is going to give hernan the opportunity to feel he owns her love.

Marina tells damian that hernan is in love with her and that she can grant him that right if she chooses. Damian tells her she won’t do that because he (damian) is the owner of her love and she cannot deny it because her skin is shouting it.