The Tempest Ep. 008

Delfina tells esthercita that her father has authorized her wedding with damian, esthercita and mayuya are surprised, esthercita asks her if she is Sure about that and delfina says that he is not very happy with this but he accepted, but she does not want to lie to her, he does not want to take her to the altar, but she will try to convince him to do it. Marina is surprised to see hernan at the dock and demands him what is he doing there. Doctor san miguel tells her that knowing that damian was hurt, he offered himself to wait for her and take him in an ambulance, damian tells him that he is feeling all right and that he will go to her godmother’s house but the doctor tells him that he has to check his wound, damian accepts but he tells hernan that he does not feel obliged to thank him for anything, hernan responds that he did not expect anything else.

Hernan tells marina that she has already done the right thing with her employee so now he can accompany her to her house. Mercedes tells soraya that she has a plan that might seem absurd to her to find magdalena but that she needs her help, soraya tells her that she can count on her. Bagre tells damian that he is on time to repent to marry esthercita because that is not convenient for him, damian responds that he does not want to but he has already compromised himself and at the end any other woman is suitable for him, but bagre tells him that the woman that is good for him is marina.

Beatriz thanks hernan to take care of marina, she tells him that she would love to see her daughter married to a man like him. Fulgencio tells hernan that it is true that he has already given his consent to his daughter to marry damian but he still can repent, hernan responds that he is not interested but that he would be wrong in repenting because their boss wants them to get married immediately and he wants him to apologize with damian. Fulgencio furious tells him that he will never apologize with the son of his worst enemy.

Beatriz tells marina to go back to the city and accept the job that hernan is offering her, marina tells her that hernan has not any enterprise near the sea and on the other hand he cannot fail mercedes who trusted her, so beatriz tells her to marry hernan, that this way she would feel more calm and that she must stay away from captain fabre. Marina tells her that she misjudged damian, after he risked his life to save her, now she can be sure that she can trust him.

Beatriz tells her that she is talking as if she had feelings for him, marina tells her that if she is pretending to tell her that she is in love with damian, that is not true. Hernan demands damian to have risked marina’s life , but damian tells him that it was not his fault that they were attacked by pirates and besides he risked his life to protect her and finally she was the one who decided to get on board, hernan responds that he is the one responsible and that marina is his superior.

Damian gives some flowers to marina to thank him for what she did for him, that he is a man who fights for what he thinks is fair and he is thankful for what other people do for him.