La Gata Ep. 069

La Gata Ep. 069

Agustin calls the body guard (Johannes) looking after Fela about the amount of money he’s taking and also asks him to provide some things for the upkeep of Fela and whiles they contemplate on that, Fela gathers courage after learning that, the guy (Johannes) has his consciousness of her, she tiptoes and run away from the place though not knowing exactly where she was and even going to. The man run after her to get her back but luckily for Fela, she gets a taxi and escapes him, Lorenza enters and ask Agustin about his sudden behavior but he tells her there’s nothing for her to know. He then walks out on her. Esmeralda sits with her children and contemplates on having the surgery if that is going to give her the opportunity to get her life back. She then says to her children that, whoever it was that says that a woman can’t fight for a man is a liar because she is definitely going to fight for their father (Pablo), but before that, she has to get that surgery first and then face any woman whether be it Gisela or any other person she has to confront to win him back.

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Silencioso asks Pablo that, he finds it difficult on how Pablo will convince him that the kissing incidence between him and Gisela wasn’t true but was just a force from her. Pablo tells him that, he wants him to know that Esmeralda is the most important thing in my life and can’t stand to lose her again. Silencioso tells him that, indeed they are all men with souls and hearts and not made of woods or plastics and therefore can be weak sometimes and he takes that moment of weakness but Pablo tells him that for sure Gisela may be an attractive woman but he will never betray Esmeralda but all he realized was that Gisela took him by surprise and kissed him. Silencioso then questions him on how Gisela can be dangerous and should be careful with her. He then asks Silencioso to beg Esmeralda on his behalf.

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La Gata ep, 69 - 1
Agustin goes to see Fela but only to be told by Johannes that Fela has escaped. Agustin gets furious and asks him what will happen if Fela gets home and blows the news to her family that he was the one who kidnapped her and they can go to jail. Fela manages to get home but after shouting to ask for help for the gate to be opened for her to get inside, but helpless Esmeralda hears and tries to help but she falls from her wheel chair and after calling out for Merche and Jarocha, no one comes out to help and unfortunately for Fela, Agustin also reaches there with his car and he quickly rush to take her back into his car and put her back to where he was hiding her under the care of Johannes
La Gata ep, 69

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