Italian Bride Episode 14 Part 2

Italian Bride Episode 14 Part 2

She reminds him that if Pedro find out he will be in trouble. Benito informs his parent he is going to search for Fiorella. He asks them not to say to word to Vittorio about it. Sonia informs the rest about what her husband did to Fiorella. She hopes they won’t say anything when Pedro asks them. Just at that moment Pedro walks in and demand to know who threatens Fiorella last night. They all denied any knowledges but Pedro assures them they know very well what he is talking about. He tells them he won’t allow them to hurt her. Roxana wonders why he is much interested in them. He tells them nothing and warns Roxana not to do anything to Gianna. Pedro gives the doctor’s address to Simoneta and asks her to take Gianna to see him. At breakfast, Eloisa want to know if they had already chosen where they will be working. Each and every one gets to know where they will be working. Roxana will be in the Public Relation department. she will be in charge of making coffee, photocopies and other basic duties. Gael will be the assistant of chemist’s assistant. Since Sonia has no experience, she has decides to be her husband Personal Assistant.
Federica feels it is very romantic. Osvaldo doesn’t take the news well but it is not up for discussion. She asks them to inform Pedro about their position. Vittorio traces all the pharmacy where Fiorella may purchase Gianna’s drugs. Simoneta informs Fiorella that Pedro asks her to take Gianna to see the doctor. Federica hides and listen to their conversation. Simoeta and Gianna convince Fiorella to allow Gianna to ride a horse around. Fiorella agrees to let her go alone but reminds her she has to take her drugs on time. As soon as they leave the kitchen Federica comes in and takes away Gianna’s drugs from her bag. She decides to hide it and frame Roxana up. Pedro calls Dante to speak with Eloisa.[adinserter block=”10″] She tells Pedro thought he is her favorite. she doesn’t like when he interrupts her when she is in the sauna. Pedro tells him about the three new employees. He tells her they are a disaster in the company. Roxana has already fought with all the stuff. She asks him to find a way to solve it. She reminds him that Maximo puts him in charge it is because he is the smartest in the family. She wants them out of the house for at least those 8 hours.
Pedro has already taken 5 minutes of the 8 hours so she hangs up before Pedro could even speak. He tells Osvaldo that she hangs up and Osvaldo laughs at him. Pedro tells him the new staffs are useless. Osvaldo asks him to mind his language. He reminds him that his wife is included. If so then from now on Osvaldo will be in charge of them. Osvaldo wonders what he is talking about. Pedro tells him from today Osvaldo is now the Director of New staff. Osvaldo laughs and tells him the position do not exist. Pedro agrees but he just created it. He informs Osvaldo that he is now in charge of Sonia, Gael and Roxana. Just at that moment Sonia comes in. she tells Osvaldo the client got tired of waiting so he left. He wonders why she didn’t inform him the client was waiting. She tells him she thought he knew about his responsibilities. Moreover he was with Pedro so she didn’t want to disturb them. Osvaldo get angry and tells her she is good for nothing and leaves Pedro’s office. Fiorella cleans the bathroom and dance along.
She leaves the place so clean that she is sure Dante will congratulate her. Benito looks around for Fiorella and Gianna in Pueblo. As soon as Fiorella leaves the bathroom; Federica enters and messes the place up. Gianna enjoys her horse ride. Her alarm scares the horse away; it is time for her drugs. She searches through her back and can’t find her drugs. Meanwhile the horse is also gone. she tries to calm herself down.