Ask God For Forgiveness Episode 3

Ask God For Forgiveness Episode 3

Renata refuses to believe that Pablo accepted the money. He has never been interested in her family money. She knows Pablo loves her, so Macaria also thought. Renata runs out of her room leaving our snitch Macaria smiling at her evil work. Bruno seems to have relaxed now and takes his drugs, Renata comes want to know. She asks her father if he is capable of buying their love. Bruno wants to know who told her. He also confirms that Pablo took the money. He tells her he was right when he told her Pablo was only interested in the cash. Bruno tells her no one has to know about the pregnancy. He is taken her away in the evening. Lucio enters Pablo room with a gun. Pablo knows he was sent by Fausto because of Renata. Pablo is not scared and dares him to kill him. Lucio prefers to take him elsewhere to do the job and drags him along at gun point. Pablo leaves the little bag given to him by Mel for protection behind. Renata and her mother says goodbye, Renata asks her to worry because she will be with Macaria. Renata can’t believe Pablo took the money in exchange of their love. Constanza tells her she will soon find someone to make her happy. Renata doesn’t think she will love someone else. She is at least grateful for the baby she is going to have. Lucio drags Pablo to the cemetery and asks him to dig his own tomb before he kills him. Pablo tries to beg him but he shoot in the air to remind him he is serious. Bruno gives his final orders before leaving with his daughter. Constanza tries one more time to beg him but he refuses. Pablo begs Lucio not to turn himself into a murder because of Fausto. Lucio yells at him not to insult his boss Fausto, after all it is not the first time.
Lucio confess to Pablo he also killed Fausto brother and I guest he is referring to Mateo’s father. Pablo takes advantage of the distraction and tries to grab the gun from him. They start struggling; Pablo had the upper hand until Fausto himself shows up and points the gun at him. Fausto tells him about Renata’s pregnancy, Pablo didn’t know about it. Fausto assures him he will never see the child and shoot him in the head. Pablo falls right into his own grave, Fausto orders Lucio to take care of the rest and leave. Mel has a presentiment about Pablo, just at that moment Benito comes in and tells him Pablo didn’t show up. Benito also tells him about Renata and Bruno trip. Mel tells him Renata will come back to town but Pablo will never come back. Bruno informs Macaria if she does as instructed; she will receive a lot of money. Macaria tells him not to worry; Renata will never leave the house or receives visitors. Macaria feels he is should rather worry about Fausto since he knows about the pregnancy. Renata recalls her sweet moment with Pablo. Months have passed; Fausto returns to the ranch to have a chat with Bruno about Renata. Fausto is willing marry Renata on condition that the baby is out of the way. Renata looks so pregnant now and thanks Macaria for taken good care of her. Bruno informs his wife about the discussion he had with Fausto. Constanza object to the wedding and tells him Renata will do same.[adinserter block=”10″] Bruno tells her he careless about their opinion. He has decided and it is final, he needs someone to take over the estate. He feels Fausto is the best candidate; he is from the same class as them. He feels the wedding is good deal both family. Constanza begs him to tell him where Renata is but he refused. The phone rings and Constanza picks it. It is from Macaria informing them Renata is in labor.
Renata wants to be taken to the hospital to give birth but Macaria refuses. She tells her Bruno orders; Renata doesn’t care about the scandal. she wants to make sure the child is safe. Bruno arrives in the house, just at that moment we hear the baby cries. It is a girl, Macaria tells her, and Renata is overjoyed and names her baby Abigail. Macaria informs Bruno she is a girl, Bruno is furious. Bruno is willing to give Macaria money to change her life. Macaria wants to know what she is to do in exchange. The baby is taken from Renata so they can both have some sleep. The following day, Bruno and Macaria register the baby. Macaria tells the register Bruno is her boss and her daughter has no father. The bastard run away, she will be a single mother. She has decided to name the baby Abigail Rios, Bruno nods his head in agreement. Renata wakes and realized her baby is not in the crib, she freaks out. Bruno enters and tells him the baby is with Macaria. He tells her if she wants to see her baby again she has to do as he says. he wants her to denounce the baby. Macaria will take care of the baby as hers but they will be in the ranch. Renata refuses; Bruno tells her the child has already been registered under Macaria’s name. Bruno tells her to accept his condition or she will never set eyes on her baby again. Renata cries and begs him not to take the baby away from her.
She tells him she will die without the baby; Bruno tells her she is already dead to him. They will return to the ranch after some few months. Macaria will be the mother of the baby and she (Renata) is supposed to spend less time with her. Renata has no choice but to accept his decision for the sake of her baby. Macaria begs Renata to forgive her; she had no choice but to obey Bruno’s orders. Bruno tells Macaria not to let Renata spend a lot of time with the baby when they return to the ranch. He hands over her first payment; Macaria tells him it is not enough. Bruno get aggressive, she will receive the same amount monthly. he warns her not to ever tell anyone that Abigail carries his blood. Renata talks to baby Abigail. She feels the sacrifices is worth, she will be around to protect her. her only pain is that Abigail will never call her mother.